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OVRAMT - Generic Solutions
Task Solutions
Q1TickBox1 The IPP, and Assessment of Needs Report (AONR) are current and detail whether the individual can make relevant, responsible, appropriate and informed decisions. 
Q1TickBox2 Individual’s interests/likes/ dislikes are identified, and documented in the Individual Program Plan, Assessment of Needs Report and individual’s Summary and clearly communicated to all staff.
Q2TickBox1 Individual’s strengths are focussed on. 
Q2TickBox10 Staff prepare responses to the Psychiatric Services Intake Assessment before making the initial contact with Psychiatric Services or a psychiatrist. 
Q2TickBox2 individual needs and personal goals are met including:Social and cultural needs; dress, diet, religious activities, festivals etc; Family and friends contact; Leisure/ exercise/ community access; Development and maintenance of skills; 
Q2TickBox3 Staff are informed of the relevant needs of the individual
Q2TickBox4 Individual’s preferred routines are clearly documented and prominently displayed. 
Q2TickBox5 Individual’s preferred routines are followed by staff to maintain continuity and consistency. 
Q2TickBox6 There is an effective method/process for informing the individual of changes in their preferred routines. 
Q2TickBox7 The personal relations, sexuality and sexual health needs of individuals are positively and proactively addressed on an ongoing basis. 
Q2TickBox8 Staff are well informed of the symptoms of specific conditions eg psychiatric illness, Prader-Willi Syndrome to assist staff in understanding the impact on client behaviour.
Q2TickBox9 Staff are aware of the protocol Between Intellectual Disability Services and Psychiatric Services when the individual’s doctor makes a referral to Psychiatric Services. 
Q3TickBox1 Staff have complete history of client outlining: Medical issues; Gang involvement; History of family and friends; Behaviours;  Likes/ dislikes.
Q3TickBox2 Court statements with restrictions: Are adhered to by the client with support from the staff; Are known about by all staff; If restrictions are breached staff follow the protocols.
Q3TickBox3 All information in the Respite agreement is available on initial admission and updated appropriately for subsequent admissions.
Q4TickBox1 Individual is referred to Client Services for support from the Behaviour Intervention Support Team (BIST). 
Q4TickBox10 Staff are provided with the opportunity to discuss, clarify and provide feedback on the program via staff meetings and supervision.
Q4TickBox11 All staff have read the medication Practice Instruction (Accommodation Practice Instruction Manual – Vol. 3) particularly as it applies to PRN chemical restraint. 
Q4TickBox12 A venues and locations guide is available that considers individual dislikes/likes. 
Q4TickBox2 Individual is provided with opportunity to responsibly self-manage their behaviours, in an environment that allows the learnt strategies to be safely rehearsed.
Q4TickBox3 Individual has a current individualised Behaviour Management Program (BMP) that has been developed with their Day Placement and family
Q4TickBox4 The Behaviour Management Program is located in the Accommodation Service File – Program Information section and on DISCIS.
Q4TickBox5 The BMP details:‘behavioural’ history, outcomes & interventions;environmental issues;‘target’ behaviour; Identified triggers;Preventative strategies;Reactive strategies;Physical & chemical restraints are endorsed & filed.
Q4TickBox6 All staff have read the Behaviour Management Program. 
Q4TickBox7 All staff know how to implement the Behaviour Management Program.
Q4TickBox8 Staff receive feedback (positive and negative) on their implementation of the Behaviour Management Program. 
Q4TickBox9 Strategy review meetings are at least 3 monthly by multi- disciplinary team to provide ongoing monitoring and modification re: individual behavioural needs. 
Q5TickBox1 IPP is focused on positive strategies rather than negative behaviours
Q5TickBox2 IPP contains positive programming factors to teach skills that have the potential to replace negative behaviours.
Q5TickBox3 The person with a disability has input into their IPP
Q6TickBox1 A good rapport exists between GP, GP Receptionist, individual and house staff
Q6TickBox10 During medical visits, a completed Communication Skills Profile and other important communication information is easily available and visible to Medical staff. 
Q6TickBox11 A contingency plan is in place for emergencies.
Q6TickBox2 The GP clinic is in close proximity to the house. 
Q6TickBox3 The clinic allows pre-checks on appointed times so that there is minimal waiting
Q6TickBox4 Individual is familiarized prior to appointments, where possible. 
Q6TickBox5 Appointments are made, where possible, to lessen waiting time and outside individual’s regular/ fixed activity.
Q6TickBox6 Medical staff are briefed on individual issues and needs. 
Q6TickBox7 Medical practitioners are rung in advance to establish waiting times. 
Q6TickBox8 Individuals to be supported by staff familiar with their needs. 
Q6TickBox9 Additional staff are rostered on to support the individual where required. 
Q7TickBox1 Medical history and alerts are on file. 
Q7TickBox10 The appropriate supervision level is provided to individuals who have complex medical conditions
Q7TickBox11 Genetic influences on behaviours are considered eg: possible cruelty to animals,  PWS (Prader-Willi Syndrome) – impulse control disorders, possible psychosis, food seeking behaviours. 
Q7TickBox12 Staff are educated on medications eg side effects, administration. 
Q7TickBox13 There are clear strategies for communicating with doctors and health services. 
Q7TickBox14 There is a plan for hospital visits/ stays
Q7TickBox2 Medical delivery as per department policy. 
Q7TickBox3 Individual’s medical condition, including vision and hearing checks, is monitored and reviewed annually. 
Q7TickBox4 Staff are informed of current medical condition in handover
Q7TickBox5 Medical information is current and accessible. 
Q7TickBox6 Staff are trained/experienced in the individual’s medical conditions.
Q7TickBox7 Any relevant family medical information is on file. 
Q7TickBox8 Specialist advice (Consultation Psych Services etc) is sought. 
Q7TickBox9 Genetic genotypes are obtained.
Q8TickBox1 Individual has access to a communication assessment and recommendations for appropriate communication systems/strategies by a speech pathologist, when appropriate. 
Q8TickBox2 Environmental comms systems & strategies depicting daily routines & using appropriate symbol systems, are available for the individual & are  Timetables;Roster boards(what staff & visitors will be in the house, who’s cooking and what etc) 
Q8TickBox3 All staff to obtain as a minimum, current Certificate IV Disability Studies Competencies, CHCCOM3A and CHCDIS2A, in “Supporting People with Disabilities: Communication and Swallowing”. 
Q8TickBox4 Appropriate review of the individual’s communication systems and strategies has occurred to ensure that they continue to meet the individual’s communication needs.
Q9TickBox1 Specific communication systems and strategies are ALWAYS available and accessible to the individual and implemented by all staff. 
Q9TickBox2 The individual’s methods of communication are documented, in a document such as the ‘Communication Skills Profile' (see environmental pre-requisites in DLDU “Supporting A Person With A Disability – Communication and Swallowing” Training package). 
Q9TickBox3 All staff know how the individual communicates, and support their method of communication eg Speech; Sign; Body Language; Individual communicative behaviour; Communication systems(photographs, object symbols, pictographs etc) 
Q9TickBox4 The individual’s receptive communication is documented, in a document such as the ‘Communication Skills Profile’ & all staff must present information in a way that supports the person to understand what is being said. 
Q9TickBox5 All casuals and new staff in the house have read the ‘Communication Skills Profile’ and familiarise themselves with the individual’s communication systems and strategies at the beginning of the first shift.
Q10TickBox1 All staff are trained in and implement the individual’s specific communication systems and strategies.
Q10TickBox10 Providing the person with time to communicate;Listening to the person & responding;Knowing how the person communicates;All staff implement a individuals specific comms systems & strategies that have been developed by a Speech Pathologist. 
Q10TickBox11 Staff support the individual to access specialist services such as Speech Pathologists, when it is identified that their communication does not meet their daily needs. 
Q10TickBox12 Staff ensure that, during hospital visits, a completed Communication Skills Profile and other important communication information is to be made easily available and visible to Hospital staff. 
Q10TickBox2 All staff have as a minimum, current Certificate IV Disability Studies Competencies, CHCCOM3A & CHCDIS2A, in “Supporting People with Disabilities: Communication and Swallowing”. 
Q10TickBox3 A Communication Skills Profile (see environmental pre-requisites in DLDU “Supporting A Person With A Disability – Communication and Swallowing”) Training package is completed for each individual
Q10TickBox4 From information in the ‘Communication Skills Profile’ all staff  know how the person communicates & support their method of communication. eg: Speech; Sign; Body Language; Individual communicative behaviour; Communication systems such as books, boards 
Q10TickBox5 From the information in the  ‘Communication Skills Profile’ all staff present information in a way that supports the person to understand what is being said. eg: Fred understands simple commands; 
Q10TickBox6 All staff create an environment that promotes and supports all individuals communication.  This includes for eg: Creating opportunities for the person to communicate; Providing the person with a variety of people to communicate with
Q10TickBox7 Environmental comms systems & strategies depicting daily routines & using appropriate symbol systems, are available for the individual & are implemented.Eg Timetables; Roster boards (what staff & visitors will be in the house, Who’s cooking and what etc 
Q10TickBox8 DLDU “Supporting A Person With A Disability – Communication and Swallowing” Training package
Q10TickBox9 All Staff are aware of and implement appropriate communication partner skills. 
Q11TickBox1 Verbal and written communication methods exist between house/unit and the relevant families, friends, or caregivers to record significant information or events. 
Q11TickBox2 Family impact on individual and house/unit has been identified with management strategies in place.
Q12TickBox1 Procedures are in place to ensure visitors are not at risk.
Q13TickBox1 Regular meetings and/or communication exist with relevant agencies, organisations, or groups. 
Q13TickBox2 Communication books with other agencies such as day programs, which are always checked and used to convey important information.
Q13TickBox3 Behaviour Management Programs are developed and reviewed in consultation with agencies and Behavioural Intervention Support Team (BIST).
Q14TickBox1 Staff assist individual in familiarising themselves with a new environment by short visits, driving around the area etc. 
Q14TickBox2 A communication strategy and transportation strategy is developed with the individual. 
Q14TickBox3 A contingency plan is in place in case individual does not settle in new location. 
Q14TickBox4 Extra assistance is provided during settling in period.
Q15TickBox1 Maintenance of furniture, fabric and fixtures are given a priority
Q15TickBox2 People with a disability are involved in the choice of furniture and fittings
Q15TickBox3 Access to personal space
Q15TickBox4 Ensuring security of personal space and possessions
Q16TickBox1 The ambience of the house/unit is pleasant, light, decorated appropriately and comfortable. 
Q16TickBox10 The Kitchen: Lockable drawer for knives; Hot water is regulated; Dishwasher is emptied ASAP; Lockable cupboards for items identified as weapons; 2 entry/exit points; Lockable pantry and fridge.; Non-burning hot plates; Petitioned off stove
Q16TickBox11 The Bedroom: Adequate space to allow for bed, chair, TV and other personal items.; Movement sensors on bedroom doors 
Q16TickBox2 Rooms are spacious ie not crowded with furniture or difficult to move around when individuals and staff are present. 
Q16TickBox3 Maintenance of furniture, fabric and fixtures are given a priority. 
Q16TickBox4 Broken items are used as weapons, negatively impact the House/Unit ambience, and can reduce House/Unit security and staff safety,
Q16TickBox5 The impact of design, furniture and fixtures on individual’s behaviour is not known and improvements made.
Q16TickBox6 Seclusion room has wide doorway for 3 people to enter
Q16TickBox7 The House: The design, furniture and fixtures of houses / units consider the following according to individual’s needs and behaviour. 
Q16TickBox8 The bathroom: Non-slip flooring; Adequate room; Shower curtain not glass; Where an item, eg shower hose, plug might be used as a weapon it be removed when not in use.; 2 exits from bathroom; Shower heads fixed (short head); Hot water is regulated.
Q16TickBox9 The Outside:No steps at exit; Safe area for staff; Storage for chemicals & toiletries; Caustic chemicals are not purchased; Fencing high and built to stop climbing; Fixed garden edging; Garden tools or other loose items secured or locked away; 
Q17TickBox1 Houses/units consider individual compatibility such as age, gender, and behaviour
Q17TickBox2 Noise levels are at a reasonable level – Radio and TV. Consideration is given to individual choice.
Q17TickBox3 Others respect privacy and personal possessions
Q18TickBox1 Staff should only transport clients, not client’s family and friends. 
Q18TickBox2 Access to mobile phone
Q18TickBox3 Staff always check the back seat before getting in the car.
Q18TickBox4 Outreach vehicles to have access to car parking which has continuous lighting, easy and secure access to building
Q19TickBox1 Policies and procedures are: Succinct & in plain English for ease of reading and understanding; Relevant to staff & location needs; Included in workplace induction; Are current & have nominated review dates.
Q19TickBox2 Preventative information is available and clear to all staff.
Q19TickBox3 Staff know how to use pre-programmed phones, duress alarms, etc  
Q19TickBox4 Protocols with emergency services are established and reviewed 6 monthly.
Q20TickBox1 All staff in management/ supervisor positions are trained in the principles of debriefing. 
Q20TickBox2 Management visit houses regularly. 
Q20TickBox3 On call staff are appointed locally. 
Q20TickBox4 House supervisors are available and approachable to discuss issues. 
Q20TickBox5 Staff, without prejudice, are able to transfer to another house/unit. 
Q20TickBox6 DINMA, and Incident Report Forms are simple to complete. 
Q20TickBox7 On-call and/or Line Managers: Are contactable via mobile.; Have detailed information on staff who are available and experienced in medical and behavioural issues.
Q20TickBox8 Provide immediate, practical and efficient support.
Q21TickBox1 Two staff are maintained in an emergency. 
Q21TickBox2 Links are established with nearby house/units to provide back-up support, if required. 
Q21TickBox3 Duress alarms are carried and operational at all times, with maintenance systems in place. 
Q21TickBox4 Emergency contact numbers are displayed, easily visible and programmed into cordless phones. 
Q21TickBox5 Emergency procedures are in orientation kit. 
Q21TickBox6 Emergency procedures are reviewed 3 monthly
Q21TickBox7 Mobile phones are available when away from the house/unit. 
Q22TickBox1 Individual is involved in the planning and arrangements of their outing. 
Q22TickBox2 Individual supports and triggers are known and shared. Eg  what triggers a response? 
Q22TickBox3 Clear procedures are in place for the individual on outings that are individually focussed. 
Q22TickBox4 Outings are well planned considering the time, weather, location of visit, individual’s behaviour, triggers and wishes, individual mix, mode of transport, purpose of outing, route to take, staff ratio and experience and emergency responses
Q22TickBox5 Staff familiar with the individual’s needs accompany the individual/drive the bus.
Q23TickBox1 Information on available support services is provided in all workplaces.
Q23TickBox2 Management contacts the staff member as soon as practical after the incident. 
Q23TickBox3 Immediate demobilisation and defusing is provided after Occupational Violence incidents. 
Q23TickBox4 Supports (peer support, debriefing, EAP) are readily available and timely.
Q23TickBox5 Debriefing is provided between 2- 7 days after event.
Q23TickBox6 Staff are given time after an incident to decide if they need to be relieved from duty. 
Q23TickBox7 Staff are given support to complete incident reports, DINMAs and other reports.
Q24TickBox1 Staff learning and development needs are determined by individual needs and identified at house/unit meetings, in supervision and/or by learning needs analysis. 
Q24TickBox2 House Supervisors have completed their Frontline Management and Workplace Assessor competencies and provide mentoring, support and supervision to staff. 
Q24TickBox3 Managing Challenging Behaviour (MCB) training occurs only after training in Complex Communication Needs and an assessment determines the need.  
Q24TickBox4 Individual Learning Plans are completed in consultation with relevant supervisor Learning and Development Co-ordinator and reviewed on a regular basis. 
Q24TickBox5 All staff have current competencies in developing comprehensive profiles of people with disabilities including communication, personal and emotional support and social needs. 
Q24TickBox6 Training is planned and delivered locally following consultation with staff and other specialist staff.
Q25TickBox1 All new staff are: Provided with appropriate  workplace orientation;Supported and given supervision with mentor as required.;Guided to complete and sign an orientation checklist 
Q25TickBox2 Orientation kit is current and specific to house/unit and includes: Comms strategies, Needs & preferences ,Daily Routines,Location of keys, documentation etc,Telephone contact numbers, Relevant policies and procedures, BMS, Formal alerts 
Q26TickBox1 Adequate handover is provided which includes: verbal report that covers the news of the day including: special events, birthdays, trips, medication, individual Behaviour Management Programs, incident reports,  critical issues etc. 
Q26TickBox2 A written handover report is completed where there is a gap in shifts. 
Q26TickBox3 A minimum standard document is completed at emergency handovers. 
Q26TickBox4 Individual has a day placement communication book that is read and initialled by staff on a daily basis. 
Q26TickBox5 Handover procedures apply to: Shift handovers; Agency handovers; Regional handovers 
Q26TickBox6 Alerts are updated as information comes to hand and all staff check alerts at the commencement of a shift. 
Q26TickBox7 House/unit information folder is available to all new staff.
Q27TickBox1 Regular communication and support meetings are held with individual staff, which specifically address support and training needs. 
Q27TickBox10 There is a set criteria/ structure for supervision. 
Q27TickBox11 Staff: Know how to evaluate a situation in the event of a dangerous situation;Have adequate task/skill supervision.; Are trained in identifying occupational assault impacts;Know how to access the After Hours Emergency Service 
Q27TickBox12 The House/Unit’s Line Manager and after hours support, is, where practicable, provided with individual behaviour information including appropriate individual interests and implementations of strategies. 
Q27TickBox13 Line Managers regularly visit each house/unit they manage when people with a disability are home. 
Q27TickBox14 Where appropriate, injured staff are supported to return to a house/unit where individuals do not manifest assaultive behaviours. 
Q27TickBox15 Management offer support & advice to the house: Making suggestions regarding individual program content; Supporting the Supervisor to liaise with other program areas for additional intervention ie. DCS, Work Health & external providers.
Q27TickBox16 Promoting available training for individuals and /or workplace teams when needs are identified. 
Q27TickBox17 Staff meetings are held regularly and staff are given every opportunity to attend.  
Q27TickBox18 Staff meetings contain the following agenda items: Policies & procedures; Training needs; Emergency responses; review of BMP and comms strategies; Analysis of occ assault DINMAs & Incident Reports;  action items monitored.
Q27TickBox2 Information on debriefing and EAP is available and obvious and discussed at team meetings. 
Q27TickBox3 Managers/supervisors provide training in people management, identifying stress in staff and support strategies. 
Q27TickBox4 Individual staff safety is discussed in individual supervision sessions. 
Q27TickBox5 Supervisors to ensure casuals receive appropriate feedback, training, debriefing, etc. 
Q27TickBox6 Staff know the service structure and contacts. 
Q27TickBox7 Staff are able to access information (read policies and procedures etc) 
Q27TickBox8 All staff: Have an understanding of legislation; Complete Induction training prior to commencement.; Receive appropriate orientation to individual workplaces; Work collaboratively within a team; 
Q27TickBox9 Staff are recognised for their work and provided with feedback on their work performance.
Q28TickBox1 Rosters are aligned for house/units during roster review process to enable movement of staff as appropriate. 
Q28TickBox10 House/units rosters and routines are reviewed regularly. 
Q28TickBox11 Staff participate in rostering reviews. 
Q28TickBox12 Staff replacement protocol is in place and used.
Q28TickBox13 All staff : Staff respect & value people with a disability and other staff.; Build positive working relationships with individuals & other staff; Provide an atmosphere of acceptance & do not discriminate;  Identify potential conflicts/risks/hazards. 
Q28TickBox14 Staff behaviour / interaction with individuals is discussed at monthly communication and support meetings between House Supervisor and Team Member.
Q28TickBox2 Staff are rotated as required, at appropriate intervals, to minimise ‘burn out’ and ‘inability to move’ issues. 
Q28TickBox3 All house/units ensure equity in the allocation of overtime and the distribution of shifts. 
Q28TickBox4 Rosters have adequate breaks. 
Q28TickBox5 Tasks and routines are alternated between staff, where possible. 
Q28TickBox6 Staff gender mix is a consideration in staff allocation. 
Q28TickBox7 Rosters allow for an adequate handover time. 
Q28TickBox8 The casual pool is a well-resourced and skilled ‘pool’. 
Q28TickBox9 Staff/individual rosters reflect individual needs and behaviours. 
Q29TickBox1 Staff respect and value people with a disability and other staff, Build positive working relationships with individuals and other staff, Provide an atmosphere of acceptance, Identify potential conflicts/risks/hazards. 
Q29TickBox2 Staff behaviour / interaction with individuals is discussed at monthly communication and support meetings between House Supervisor and Team Member.
Q30TickBox1 Staff to consider silent home telephone numbers.
Q30TickBox2 Staff vary route to and from work.
Q30TickBox3 Staff name badges only have first names, no surnames. 
Q30TickBox4 Staff never divulge home address or take individuals to their residence. 
Q30TickBox5 Other staff have contact numbers of staff family in case of emergency. 
Q30TickBox6 Access trained extra staff when required.
Q30TickBox7 Contact the Police in all matters
Q31TickBox1 All staff wear appropriate clothing ie: Avoid scarves, heavy neck chains, long earrings, heavy jewellery, etc Tie long hair back
Q31TickBox2 Wear loose, comfortable, sensible, non-provocative clothing and flat-heeled shoes.

Last modified at 18/03/2009 18:56  by Damien Ryan