FAQ: I make the downtime less, and the cost goes down! I would have thought the cost would go up?
The tool assumes that for the periods that are not day program closedown, you are "covered" with sufficient staffing*
- If the downtime is 9am to 3pm, the tool pulls in casuals and part timers etc to cover that period on closedown days** during the year
If the downtime is 10am to 2pm, the tool is likewise pulling in casuals and part timers etc, but for a smaller portion of the day
*If you want the tool to extend beyond this assumption, and guess that you need more staffing even outside the nominated downtime periods, this logic would flood into "normal" days that the tool would trigger as being short staffed (though of course, there may be very good reasons for there being less hours here and there, for various reasons), i.e. not just client day program closedown, public holidays, client illness & behaviours
**The logic extends to closedown, public holidays, client illness & behaviours
Last modified at 24/06/2010 11:54 by Damien Ryan-Green